Manage Covid-19 Stress
Like most of us, you and your family are gradually venturing out into a new "normal". (Get the latest facts from the CDC here.) All this information about the coronavirus is helpful and necessary to protect our physical health. But, what has it done to our mental health? If you're like me, you're feeling somewhat (or really) worried, anxious, unsure, bored, and maybe even frustrated with it all. These feelings are normal, at least for this kind of a situation. But, as we all know this "kind of a situation" is NOT what we're used to as normal. So, as we have now established our new routines during the pandemic, life is changing... again. Changes, even good ones, are challenging. Below are a list of resources to help you manage your stress, talk with your children, and understand what we could expect from here forward.
Resources for Parents
American Psychological Association
Communicating with teens during COVID
Psychologists’ research can help parents and caregivers more effectively communicate with their teens, especially while everyone is cooped up together.
The great distance learning experiment continues
Educators at all levels are grappling with what the changes mean now, and for the future.
Psychology Today
Being kind to yourself in the midst of a pandemic
A Social Psychologist's conversation with a room of high school seniors.
The National Child and Traumatic Stress Network
Parent / Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope With the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (PDF, 144KB)
This is for parents and caregivers to prepare and reduce stress and anxiety, and provides information for your family about physical and emotional ways to cope.
National Association of School Psychologists
Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus): A Parent Resource
This is a helpful list of ideas to help parents talk to children about the coronavirus.
New York Times
Talking to Teens and Tweens About Coronavirus
Read advice from experts to talk to teens and be prepared for the coronavirus.
NPR (National Public Radio)
Just for Kids: A Comic Exploring The New Coronavirus
A comic story for parents to discuss the coronavirus with their children.
Be Kind To Yourself
How psychologists can help patients with injection fear
Psychologists are sharing interventions and therapies to help patients whose fear of needles could stop them from getting a COVID-19 vaccine
Podcast - COVID 19 and the Loss of Rituals: Formation of New Ones with Michael Norton, PhD
VIDEO - Dr. Jeffrey K. Zeig and the Erickson Foundation - Dealing with Coronavirus Anxiety in 5 Steps
FIVE WAYS TO VIEW THE COVERAGE OF CORONAVIRUS - The news and information right now can be overwhelming, not to mention scary. This article helps us learn to filter it so the information is manageable.
10 IDEAS FOR COPING WITH LONELINESS DURING SOCIAL DISTANCING - This is packed with great ideas about how to maintain healthy relationships with your loved ones, as well as yourself.
BEING KIND TO YOURSELF IN THE MIDST OF A PANDEMIC - A Social Psychologist's conversation with a room of high school seniors.
DEPRESSIVE THINKING DURING THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC - As our stress is being maintained at a higher than normal level, sadness can also set in. Here are some ideas for dealing with our thoughts, and some insight on how Cognitive Behavioral Therapy works. Try it out for yourself!
A MESSAGE OF HOPE: ACHIEVING “COVIDYA” - A Buddhist perspective of the coronavirus situation at hand.